Do you want to add creative and funny audio? Download this amazing audio maker & audio downloader app,This is a very powerful audio creator app of 2020. It is designed to download audio, Cutting Audio and also allow create new audio in sound card.
⚫️ Feature:
1. Create/Add audio from sdcard also add existing download file.
2. Merge more than 2 audio in single file.
3. Share audio with your friends.
4. Add that video to short video app.
5. Set as Ringtone.
6. Ringtone Downloader.
⚫️ How to Use❓
- Click on Create new Audio
- Select Audio downloaded folder or other audio from storage and select audio to merge and mix.
- Now you can see all your selected audios, you can also change audio length as per your requirements
e.g. from second 3 to second 9. Also you can remove audio, change audio.
- You can not merge audios if total length is less than 15 seconds or more than 59 seconds.
- Click on Convert to merge audios and enter name for final audio and wait until process complete.
- After then you can Add that audio, set as ringtone and share.
🚫 Note:
• If we are in breach of copyright, please let us know and it will be removed as soon as possible. For that contact us through Email.
• This application is not associated with any company or brand.
• Please do not use This app to save videos or re-upload video without the permission of real owner of that video.
• Any unauthorised re-uploading or downloading of contents and/or violations of Intellectual property rights is the sole responsibility of the user.